Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Tuesday 25 March 2008

In Celebration

  A Song Of Rain: C J Dennis

Patter, patter ... Boolcoomatta*,
Adelaide and Oodnadatta,
Pepegoona, parched and dry
Laugh beneath a dripping sky.
Riverina's thirsting plain
Knows the benison of rain.
Ararat and Arkaroola
Render thanks with Tantanoola
For the blessings they are gaining,
And it's raining -- raining -- raining!

It didn't just rain. It fell out of the sky as if we had walked through the door with the bucket
balanced over it.

Dust washed off cars.

Torrents swirling down the gutters.

Piles of leaves, foam and rubbish near the storm water grates.

It is raining - raining - raining.

*btw: some of my very good friends used to own the station (ranch) at Boolcoomatta.
Three years ago they gave up on hoping that the rains would ever come back and moved
to the city.


Anonymous said...

I'm so relieved for you.

Kyddryn said...

Hurrah for rain! May you have all you need.

Shade and Sweetwater,

A Free Man said...

Ah, so Sinead is justified in buying the rain cover after all!

Arizaphale said...

yup! wouldn't have wanted to be out in a pram in THAT deluge :-D
Perhaps she has sent her Irish weather on ahead????

Anonymous said...

I was just going to say I was justified in buyiong the rain cover, but Chris beat me to it! It also got quite the work out today-rain and hail! not a drop on zach:)

Christina said...

YAY for rain!!!

Andi said...

YIPPEE! Good for you~ I imagine you wanted to run out and let it wash over you...(at least, I might have)How wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

What a juicy poem. I'm thirsty. Lovely photo, too. Congrats on the rain!