Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

School is Looming Already

Last night I dreamed I was sacked by my Christian school because I drank too much at a staff party. And I play with my teeth too much in public. My Principal's words. He was very nice about it.

Which demented part of my brain did THAT come from? The teeth bit I mean.

Perhaps I am feeling guilty about my geological post?


Brittany said...

So you're saying you DO drink too much??? ;)

Arizaphale said...

errrr maybe. perhaps. sometimes....

Anonymous said...

Play with them how? Like, pick at them? Or, like, take them out and make them do tricks? Bar tricks? I'm gonna need details.

Arizaphale said...

I had problems with this too Maggie and in the dream I remember deciding he MUST have meant bar tricks...oops I mean picking at them. :-)

Unknown said...

ha! that was what i was going to say too, Brittany!

so funny...

kim said...

funny.. I always had dreams like that in college, then when I taught.... Since I've stayed home, though, I don't really remember my dreams. I sleep like the dead cuz (right now) my children exhaust me by the end of the day.
Maybe I need to go back to work.