Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Sunday 18 November 2007

NaBloPoMo #18: Christmas Bubble Girl

Two years and 7 months. Still wearing the wrap around denim dress (I believe in getting wear out of clothes :-D) and about to blow bubbles all over Grandma's cat. This was such a fun age. Mind you I also recall it was when she hit the 'terrible twos'...about 6 months late. At that point I suddenly understood the myth of the 'changeling', the baby that the fairies had taken and replaced with a wicked imp of their own. Who was this monster of a child? Where once you could direct or redirect with a gentle voice and a new distraction, now I was carrying her bodily out of people's houses under my arm! This was the age at which she made the famous remark "She's gone! Good! The fat bottomed old cow." (over heard by a friend and referring to me as I went to pack the car having argued with her about leaving the friend's house). At least her language skills were good.

Gotta go for now. I am being accepted into the Church of Christ as an official member today. So I can run the Kidzone officially :-D


Karen said...

Oh my! What can you do but laugh? And be proud of her language skills, of course. Eli once poked at my tummy as I was sitting down and said, "Mommy.... this is.... this is.... BIG." Must be something about this general age. The honesty of it all.

natalie said...

Whew...glad Christ Church accepted you. I was getting a little worried! Just kidding.

M isn't that honest quite yet, but I'm sure my time will come.

I'm super chubby and the other day at school one of my students was rubbing my fat arms and said, "You've got a lot of meat." I just laughed...somehow my 7 year olds are always so super honest.

Arizaphale said...

My mother was once told by a 4 year old that she had a 'nose like a witch'!!!! My problem year 8 kids have informed me that I need a nose job. So, not that much difference between 4 and 14. Still, it's a fair cop. Anyone want to subsidise me?

Arizaphale said...

Oh and by the way Natalie,I've seen your picture and I would not say you are super chubby!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on both the acceptance into the Church AND the wonderful linguistic skills of your wee child! : )


Christina said...

Aha! So that's what's going on with Nadia right now, it's the changeling situation! That explains a lot. Oh my how she challenges me. No "old cow" commetns yet, but that's only because she doesn't yet have that language ability!

But despite the frustration she gave you...Ba sure is a charmer! Who could resist those twinkling eyes?!

Blueberry said...

awwww, she looks so pretty in that picture! how is it that they can look so cute and be such demons at the same time?? ;)

kim said...

Oh, I am laughing so hard. I can almost imagine Lauren saying that. I hear all the time about Lauren, "she's so cute, how could you ever be mad at her." My reply is that her cuteness has no effect on me. I'm sure you heard the same thing about BA.