Got to be quick because it's 12.40 and I'm about to make a dress for Annie in time for dress rehearsal tomorrow. Nothing like cutting it fine :-)
Here's my Crafty Tuesday offering, the vests I made for baby Not Max last week. I was so slack about delivering them that I couldn't post them til now! To be fair, I didn't make the vests (onesies I believe they're called in the US), I just did the embroidery, but I was quite pleased with the overall effect. In an anally retentive burst of realism, do you notice how the ground is plowed behind the tractor and flat in front of it? You don't get detail like that in the baby section of K Mart.
The only thing I might have done differently is the little green leaves at the neckline of the tractor vest. I chose a grass green to represent spring growth but now I wonder if I should have just stuck with the British racing green, as in the body of the tractor. What do you think?
Anyway, as I said to Dr O'C, don't look too closely and especially don't look behind the embroidery! This ain't no Royal Show entry :-D.
For more inspiring crafts, join Carrie for Crafty Tuesday over at Barely Controlled Chaos. I'm off to start sewing. At least I can 'sleep in' til after 7 am tomorrow.
Um, I might have to hire you to make me some of this gorgeous baby stuff once Annie is all over!
THOSE are fantastic! Oh my God, it almost makes me want to have another just so I can have some onesies like those! (Ok, not really...) I kinda like the pale green color on the neckline, plus he is a baby - so it is soft and sweet near his face.
Good luck with the Annie rehearsal - I cannot wait to see the costumes in all their glory!
Ok. My daughter is impressed. She is into sewing big time at the moment.
These are so sweet! You are definitely uber-crafty...I'm jealous!
I really can not believe how much you resemble Superwoman! Amazing.
You did a wonderful job. Thanks again!
YOu did such a great job on them! Wow, those are truly adorable. And no one needs to know what it looks on the backside...I surely won't tell. ;) You should have seen the one I did for Anya's shirt this summer...errr, wait, I mean it looked all professional and everything. :)
Very cute! I'm not sure on the greens. It's true that the water and the neckline match nicely on the boat one. But I like that bright green color. I think it looks good! Funny I was wondering about "vests". I was thinking, "Those look like onsies. Maybe when I scroll down a little I'll find that she made vests AND onesies. Oh the things you learn in Blogsilvania!
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