Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Monday 24 September 2007

Banner Update

After my rejection of his first design, Himself put together a completely different concept which I love!! Except for the font.
A: Why is this font all messy.
H: Well, it represents freedom and creativity. It's kind of 'out there'.

(He often talks like this)
A: It looks kind of manic.
H: What's your point?
A: Alright, so I'm a bit manic, but look at all the little dots...like ink splotches...I would NEVER do ink splotches....I'm too anally retentive...

After this exchange I went to my computer and starting looking at fonts. I was after something whimsical and perhaps a little 'forgetful', after all where DID I put that flaming sword? I was trying various handwriting styles when Himself came past and snorted with disgust.

A: What? You don't like these? I'm just trying things out.
H: The font is a design element. It is part of the overall picture, if I change the font I start all over again with a new design concept.
A: But I LIKE the background and the image...its just the messy font which doesn't feel like me. It's too....disturbed
H: It's got attitude, like your blog.
A: (mildly outraged)What do you mean my blog has attitude?
H: I've read some of it....it definitely has attitude.
A: (minor panic...which bits has he read?) Really?
H: Yes, and if I change the font I change the whole design....or you can go find another designer.

Now you see, this is the problem with professionals. They don't like to listen to their clients. Anyway, I tried all the usual wife things, sitting on his lap, asking how much he loved me....but he remained intractable. However, something must have hit his sentimental nerve because the following morning I had a new email with a new version and a new font. As I had requested, it was free flowing handwriting with NO splotches and dots.

I didn't like it.

He was right. The font was an element of the design. He even did a version where he took the dots out for me....and I didn't like it. He was right. It took away from the overall design.

I guess that's why he's a designer.

So, now to figure out how to load the banner. Any ideas. I've looked at the HTML page and my head started to explode.


Melody A. said...

Customize>Template>Page elements>then click "edit" in the header space. Then you should be able to follow the prompts to upload the new header. And click the box that reads "instead of title and description".

Clear as mud? Let me know if that doesn't work. Or did you already try that?

Brittany said...

Wow. I love your dialogs. He really snorted at you??? lol

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Melody beat me. I just looked at it for you. it's not too hard though. I only use my blogger site for when I have to in order to post comments on blogs.

Don't you hate it when the husband is right. Drives me up a freakin' wall.

Christina said...

Whew, I'm glad the header has been finalized and you both lived to tell the tale. ;o)

Rose said...

I love the new Banner - font and all, it's gorgeous. Bravo!

Arizaphale said...

Aw thanks guys...it actually means a lot that you like it!!

A Free Man said...

I would agree that your site has attitude - but the best ones do!

I can relate to these kind of conversations. The reason that it took me all day is that my lovely S kept giving me "helpful" feedback.