Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Thursday 17 May 2007


With flaming swords in full battle formation we are now minus number 2 son again. This time we also have a newly acquired hole in his bedroom door. As I was not there for the whole performance I am unsure as to how this eventuated. Ironically, I was on a parenting course.

I do know that the initial argument began when Father asked Son how applications for jobs were going.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Having raised one son to age 26, we've had our share of these battles. I wish you luck.

And well wishes on the new blog site. I had to laugh about the misspelling. :)

chinchin said...

Horay for the flaming sword blog site; thanks for all the information that I might encounter soon, and sorry about the hole.