I could not quite remember where this had come from until recently; until Grandma and Grandad bought the Baby Angel some new drawers from Ikea.
The whole buying thing happened whilst I was at work so I was delighted to hear that Grandad and the BA were going to put the drawers up together on the weekend.
I particularly like the picture of the little man in the left hand corner above; the one with the question mark over his head. The caption should read....'remind me again why I didn't avail myself of their 'erecto' services??'
I hung around for the first set of drawers and helped sort screws and bolts and the like.
May it stand you in good stead Baby Angel.
For more wonderful photography, check out Best Shot Monday.
Great to see her working so hard with her grandfather. She's lucky to have him to show her these things - they will be of much use to her over the course of her life!
Yeah for Dad!
I still remember when I changed my own tire instead of waiting for AAA to come. My dad was the first person I called since he was the one who had taught me. I know he was proud of me, but I was even prouder of myself. It is the best thing we can teach our girls...
What an excellent family! She'll be so glad once she's older and in her first place of her own. She won't panic every time a light bulb needs changing.
I came here from Tracey Clark's site. You were so funny and persistent with your link that I had to come...And yes, parenthood is a flaming sword. I hope you don't mind but I'm leaving a post that I did this weekend. I got some flack for making my son mow the lawn...
It was a lesson, probably not as gently applied as Granddad here.
Fab shot! LOVE the independence and the working so closely together. I'm also pretty independent...I'm sure because of my dad :)
Thanks for stirring up some wonderful memories.
Amen to that! Glad that your Dad knew that girls can be handy, too. I know we were always taught how to do things so we could do for ourselves. That's a great skill to have when you move on and get older.
BA looks like an independent young woman, most definitely! Great shots of her and your dad, too. :)
What great "together time". Leave it to Ikea! Wonderful moments with meaningful memories.
That's awesome! What a wonderful thing to pass down, and how wonderful that you captured the moments.
That is great! Yay, for your dad!!
Who sorts screws and bolts into separate piles when assembling Ikea furniture? I suppose next you're going to tell me they read the directions.
He's a good fella, that one.
what fab photos!! That independence and sense of "I can do that" is priceless - it means that you can do things like change the headlight bulb in the car!! (yay - did that Sunday and was sooo chuffed with myself!!)
What a great moment you captured!
Oh that first shot really is wonderful!
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