I must say if I were going to choose a way to spend Mother's Day it would not be seeing my mother (and father) off at the airport*. They are heading back to the UK for the summer and will not be back until after Christmas. *sigh*
Still, the BA and I spent the day at Ikea doing retail therapy which was a very nice Mother's Day thing indeed. Here's one of our frivolous comfort purchases.
Love to them both...
And by the way, a belated happy 14th to the BA
Aw, you didn't vault the sofa? I feel like I need to act up in an IKEA now, just to keep balance in the world!
Happy belated Mother's Day, from one mother to another!
Toys: The sofa I was referring to was the one at the airport. My sister and mother will know what I mean :-D (click the link if you need reminding)
But thanks anyway. The bemused staff of IKEA will enjoy the diversion I'm sure.
And a really stupid question for you....do you call the upcoming season summer even though it is getting colder for you? You mentioned your parents being gone all summer until Christmas and I thought hmmm....isn't it autumn-ish there now with winter coming?
I'm really tired right now so I am probably sounding like a total fool...why is this confusing me?
Be kind when you answer - it's been a long day!
I meant for the UK Summer. I was pretty tired when writing this so I know how you feel :-)
Ha! I totally had one of those candle sets... I sold it at our garage sale last year, I think. I haven't done candles since Lauren was old enough to walk...
Aw, it was great getting to know them. Can't wait til they're back next year!
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