Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Jeep Cherokee In Review

Jeeps suck.
Do not buy a Jeep.
Jeeps are a heap of trash.
Do not waste money on Jeeps.

(I hope you are getting this Google)

Explain to me how a five year old vehicle can show you a warning light for under 5 minutes before stopping completely; then, when taken to the repair shop, have need of a completely new engine with a repair bill quoted at between $15 000 and $20 000 (Au). Furthermore, the same vehicle was deemed 'not worth repairing' and by the way we have some nice new ones in the show room next door and we'll give you a trade in on this now non-functioning vehicle.

Let it be said that for the first year that the new vehicle was on the road, an engine warning light would come on repeatedly. When the repair people examined it, they could find no fault with the engine and decided that the light was malfunctioning and so.....we suspect....they disconnected it.
Could this be why we had no warning of the impending engine failure?

But anyway....what five year old car has engine failure?????????

And explain to me why, even when we suggested that we would prefer to replace the engine, the service shop laughed condescendingly and all but refused to do the job.

Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Do not buy a Jeep.
Jeeps are a heap of trash.
Do not waste money on Jeeps especially when you live in Australia and all the parts have to be imported.

Believe me, this is not the only problem we've had with the Jeep. There was the failure of the automatic windows, locking system and back door closure. That took over two weeks to fix. There was the promised fuel economy which did not eventuate until three years after purchase. At each service we were told that it was 'running in' and that 'the service would fix it'.

Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Do not buy a Jeep.
Jeeps are a heap of trash.
Do not waste money on Jeeps especially when you live in Australia and all the parts have to be imported.

Then there was the detailed report of damage that we were promised. At least we could take this to an independent mechanic for a second opinion.

Do you see this?

This cost $200.00 and do you know what it says??????

It says :

Not even correct grammar!!!!!!

I did not need to pay $200.00 to find out what I already knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps I did not make that clear?????????????

Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Do not buy a Jeep especially when there are only two Jeep service/retail centres in town.

Oh, and apparently the transmission was also on its way out! Hence the vehicle was not worth repairing. Why is a five year old transmission on its way out???????????????????????????
My Husband has many failings and weaknesses and believe me I am the first to tell you about them but one of his strengths is his driving. He is a steady, conservative driver. In 36 years he has never had an accident (praise the Lord) and unlike me, he rarely gets a speeding fine. So WHY is this vehicle failing in both engine AND transmission after... ( did I mention this already?) FIVE YEARS.

Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.
Jeeps suck.

There. I feel better. We are still down $40 000 as we have had to buy a new car (do not start me on that little discussion or I will start telling you of my Husband's weakness....see above) but surprise, surprise we will NOT be buying a JEEP.

image credit


Brittany said...

Aww I'm sorry that happened to your Jeep. :( I have to say that I love my Jeep. It's a 1998...and it's still going strong!

BOO on your JEEP!

natalie said...

Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

Blueberry said...

oh i hate cars sometimes. they are designed to fail so that we have to repair/buy new ones. so sorry about the jerks at the repair shop too!

Maggie said...

Oh bummer! That is no good at all. :( But on the bright side, you get to have a new car - yay!

Amy Jo said...

Yikes! Sounds like these jeep fellows have some kind of nerve. Good luck with your new vehicle!

The Honourable Husband said...

Remember the Dolomite Sprint?

Love, HB8

P.S. Word verification today is "foons". An obvious Oz contraction of two words shouted at certain types of other drivers?

Anonymous said...

Okay - I just want to be clear here - you are slighty ambiguous on how you feel about jeeps. I sense that you aren't quite forthcoming enough in your true feelings.....

I couldn't resist a little humor there. yes - that sucks - sounds like you totally got a lemon and no one wants to deal with it. Can you at least get it to another shop so they can see if the oil light has truly been disconnected? If so, perhaps you have a little more leverage with them. ???
Maybe that's just wishful thinking!

So sorry about the vehicle woes...cars/trucks/vans are so darn expensive that we should be able to expect them to last longer than this one!!!

keep smiling......

Arizaphale said...

headbang: ah yes, I remember it well. This is another time when F the Handyman would have been handy to have around!

Elisa: It's all too late. Dear Himself has made his decision, much against my wishes, and the Jeep has passed over to the Holden dealer as a trade in. We got $1000 for it >:-(

Stacy said...

Holy cow! Sounds like you had a lemon to begin with and that dealership really needs to admit they were partly at fault. Disconnecting the check engine light?? Hellooooo! That might be needed...eventually. Sorry to hear about your jeep horror story. :(

A Free Man said...

I could have told you that if we had met five years earlier. They're notorious shit heaps. Tell Mr. A that it's time to stop being so butch and buy a proper car. Japanese. Don't let him get a Holden.

Arizaphale said...

Stacy: I don't think we could prove it now...

AFM: I'm sorry, do you think I have ANY say in the matter????????

Reidlos Toof said...

QQ More Aussie. Jeeps are awesome, you just got a lemon and some A holes to deal with it. Could have been worse, it could have been a Toyota, and your arse could still be in the down under while your head took an express trip through the windshield and up to Japan. At least then you could complain about it to someone that mattered.

Arizaphale said...

Foot soldier: you may be backward...but you found me :-)
18 months on and I do not miss the Jeep. We now have a very nice Holden Captiva tyvm.