Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Monday 8 December 2008

The Perils of Gardening

Off into the garden. It's a beautiful day; hat, sunscreen on arms, face, neck. Mustn't forget the neck! Now, have I forgotten anything? Yes, it appears I have.

And given that exactly the same thing happened last year (on a smaller scale...bad choice of T shirt yesterday) you would think I would learn!

But it wasn't even that hot yesterday! It was the length of time that was the culprit.

In my discomfort I was thinking about my childhood and my poor mother (remember sunscreen hadn't been invented yet) trying to keep me from this fate every day of every summer. It's no wonder she failed. I remember one vicious burn down in Victor Harbour in my teens, where lying on my sheets that night felt like lying on sandpaper.

So far I have only had one skin cancer removed, from the back of my index finger. I believe that one to be the result of a nasty burn when I was a year old. Mum, newly arrived from the UK, took me out for a nice walk after lunch on a mid-January day. She assiduously covered me in clothes from head to toe, not forgetting a hat [oh wicked parents of today who would send their children out without a hat, I frown on you!!! >:-( ] and popped me into a pusher complete with sunshade. But oh, the little hands clutching the front bar of the pusher....oh, oh, oh. They were fully exposed. Later that day they blistered.

So, doing a few sums, I can expect the skin cancers from my teens to start emerging within
the next ten years. Something to look forward to.

Mum and I with my sister in the offending pushchair

But something we ARE looking forward to is the arrival of Mum and Dad.......TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

* NB: I find the formatting in blogger impossible to manipulate. It looks one way in the 'create' window, another in the preview and invariably it is completely different on the screen. gggrrrrr
Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...



chaoticfamily said...

OH this freaks me out - as you know I thought I had some pre-cancers and still having to wait for more biopsy results...

I hope the burn doens't hurt to much - it looks terribly painful.

Blueberry said...

oh ouch, ouch, ouch!!! i hurt just looking at that!

A Free Man said...

Jesus! At first I thought you were going to flash us, which would have been strange. But that sunburn is even more disturbing! Ouch.

Amy Jo said...

Yikes! That very same thing happened to me back in June. Here you go!


Oh well. Perhaps we will have learned from our mistakes next year, huh? Enjoy your family visit!

Arizaphale said...

Amy Jo: and if you read the comments to that post you will see that I admit to my previous burn experience!
AFM: so my sunburn is MORE disturbing than a flash would have been???? hmmm interesting.
Blueberry: it actually doesn't hurt that much, surprisingly.
Choaticfamily: hope your results come back ok.

Andi said...

Oh, any place that peeks out from under sunscreen or clothing...the sun just finds it! I am only ever two colors- ghostly white or sun scorched red. The daughter has her father's lovely olive complexion thankfully, and she turns such a gorgeous brown in the summer. Not me. Nope. Just lobster red or the alabaster white.
Hope it heals nicely. You most likely will not forget that spot next time! :)

Arizaphale said...

Ghostly white or scorched red....hmmm sounds familiar!

Maggie said...

I can sympathize with sunburns...no fun! I used to get burned all the time when I was younger...and I am now a sunscreen FANATIC.

Hope that you have a good time with your parents!

Not Afraid to Use It said...

I just came over from Chris' linked post. Holy ouch. It's like looking at myself in the mirror. I've been the unfortunate recipient of that as well.

Sam said...

ooh ouch!! I had a holiday in Australia last March and was very careful - not a burn at all...until the very last day when I went sailing and because it was seriously overcast I wasn't too bothered!!! D'oh!!

Incidentally - the formatting in blogger bothers me too - but less so now that I use Windows LiveWriter - I love it. The only thing I have to do after sending the draft to the blog is to centre my photographs. (you should be able to find it online)