At 9pm tonight it was 31C. I came out of the hairdressers and it was like walking into a bakery. As I walked past knots of people in outdoor cafes and restaurants I heard the same conversations;
"....up until the weekend..."
"...can't think.....exhausted..."
"...for 70 years I think....back in the thirties was the last time...."
"..more to come...can't bear relief..."
There are fires down south and the North winds are up again tomorrow; there is a total fireban in the State. Sitting here on the lip of the Gorge as we do, we really are sitting ducks for any fire which may sweep down the channel. Makes you wonder whether you should have cleaned out the gutters when it was cooler.
The pool is looking good tonight.
So I converted the temp from c to farenheit. 30 degrees celsius is only 86 degrees f. Thats not so hot. It that unusual? It's supposed to reach 86 here tomorrow and it's still winter. So I'm having a hard time sympathizing Miss A!;-)
Aw! Hopefully this lets up, soon! Keep cool!!!!
Ah yes Melody, but that was at
9 o'clock at NIGHT!!!! At 6pm it was more like 38C and everything is heating up during the day and then not having a chance to really cool down over night. Trust me, even you Texans would be feeling it after 11 days straight!! :-D
I bet that pool is sounding good! Hopefully you catch a break in the heat soon!
That heat sounds So MUCH like the roasting heat of summers gets so hot that my mom's pool feels like lukewarm bathwater, and does not offer any relief. We also have heat advisory warnings at times when people should not go outside and get too active because of heat strokes. I can completely sympathize, no matter the numbers! In farenheit here, it generally reaches 95+ all summer long, but ours is a raging humid heat. At the end of last school year and into the summer, we had huge wildfires in a city 135 miles away from where I live, and we woke up many days without being able to see because the intense smoke had traveled all the way here. I sincerely hope there is some relief in sight for you all. I know how uncomfortable and exhausting it is after so many longs days and nights of it. Do your best to stay cool, and drink LOTS of fluids! Good luck keeping the home safe and sound!
yowza...i think the pool sounds like the right place to be.
Yes, we would. And I'm certain that there will be some complaints here soon. It's supposed to reach 92F today. Again, it's still winter here.
didn't you say it was almost autumn there?????
The fire thing is really scary! Do you guys keep your emergency stuff handy in case you have to evacuate?
I hate it in the summer when it's so hot even the pool feels like bath water. We'll be back to that soon here, too. Sending nice, cool thoughts your way...
Is that photo from your house?? What a breath-taking view!
I feel so sorry about the heat.
Your cards are going to be mailed Monday. They've been finished for at least a week or so, but NO time for errands!
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