Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Monday 24 December 2007

Christmas SEETHE

That's IT. Next year I am boycotting Himself's side of the family at Christmas and that INCLUDES Himself!!!!!

It is 4.30pm on Christmas Eve and out two older sons have just informed me that they won't be having Christmas lunch here with us after all. They're going to Nan's. (Mother's mother).

Himself has just arrived back from Christmas shopping which he hates and which he refuses to discuss with me before hand because he doesn't want to think about it so he does it on the most hectic day of the Season when he KNOWS he hates the Mall and the crowds even on the best of days and THEN he comes home and storms around like a T-Rex with a sore head (bear doesn't do it justice) and is unpleasant and shouts out about hating Christmas and not doing it next year.


FINE> Next year, the BA and I will go and spend Christmas with MY family who LOVE Christmas and not have our day spoiled by these heathen, self centred lot!!!!!

(I am just as cross with the boys NAN for not letting us know or telling the boys earlier or or or.....I am JUST cross!!!!!!!)


Gawlerites said...

Just think of the good afternoon and evening we had on Sunday and pay them back by burning their presents on a floating plank in the pool at midnight tonight, I will look South to see the glow.

Try and have a good day tomorrow

Melody A. said...

Well, he brought it on himself, he Himself, didn't he? Santa's getting there soon, isn't he? We're checking NORAD.com.

Brittany said...

Adam and I were just checking where Santa had been (Google has a Santa tracking website!) and he was JUST in Australia. I thought of you. haha.

Merry Christmas!!

Christina said...

Christmas Eve shopping is enough to make anyone crazy. And dealing with anyone that's been out shopping on Christmas Eve is *definitely* enough to make a person crazy! I'm sorry...and I hope that frustration has passed adn you're having a wonderful Christmas this very minute! My fly in the Christmas ointment - Nadia is getting sick. *sigh*

A Free Man said...

My, you've been a busy little blogger over the holiday ;) Going to take me a while to catch up as I've been without internet access for the last week, but looks like you've got some great photos and stories to share!

I know your New Year has come - hope it was a great one!

Katie Swaner said...

I feel your pain. sometimes men suck. That's all there is to it.