I am so angry and grief-stricken right now that I am finding it hard to find words.
Tonight we trooped into the School Hall, the scene of so many of my girlhood triumphs and transgressions; the scene of the Baby Angel's panto and 'Oliver' highlights; the scene of Choir Concerts, Speech Nights, rock concerts and Formals. We trooped in, thin in number and falsely cheerful, each hoping to hear something reassuring, each brushing aside the dark and ominous looming shadow. We sat, as we had so many times before, facing the great arched stage, bedecked with cheerful penguins awaiting the Junior School Musical on Wednesday night. And then the axe fell.
Next year the school will become the Alma Mater 'Learning Community'. It will consist of an R-6 co-ed primary school with an Early Learning Centre and Childcare facilities. In 2013 they will phase in a Year 10-12 Women's Senior College. Next year there will be no secondary school.
They may as well have changed the name to Local Main Road Community School. There will be nothing left of my Alma Mater apart from the grounds and buildings. The traditions and values of the past have been decimated. The dignity, the history and the love, defiled.
The bastards sold us down the river. The families and girls who stuck it out, who worked hard to ensure continuity, who invested time and emotion in re-building; we've been abandoned. That's the bit that hurts most. And it will bite. Bad will hangs about in this town.
So, what will we do? Probably relocate as soon as possible. With nothing to look forward to next year the BA needs to establish herself somewhere else. She has leadership potential and she needs to be 'known' to be able to realise that. It will never be as it could have been but I will make the best choices I can for my kid. And she is made of stern stuff. She will grieve. She will cry. She will wish it had been otherwise but she will be loved wherever she goes.
In these last death throes we will feel the real weight of our school motto: Verae Numerosque Modosque Ediscere Vitae.
Second semester for year 11's at you know where starts this week if you can still get in, so probably a good time to make the move if that's what you are considering.
This has been a really gut-wrenching time for you guys. My heart goes out to you.
I feel alittle bitthe same way about the fate of Union Hall.
Prof J: Too far away now, since my job relocation. Hope the weather is nice where you are!
HH: Absolutely, on the Union Hall thing.
So sorry to hear this news, especially after everything you have been through... :(
My heart breaks for you and BA. Oh, it breaks in half. I'm so very sorry.
I'm so, so sorry Arizaphale. So sorry.
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