When I bought my beloved house, and I do mean beloved, my one reservation was the garden. And I use the term loosely.
I mean.... it is more of a wasteland....
You see I'm on a slope and the garden drops off at an alarming rate. No-one seems to have done anything with the space except let gum trees grow. And weeds.
And as you can see, the fences were not overly secure either.....
I had one way down to the shed at the lower level, exiting onto the street below.
Now, the handrail was pretty indeed. But the stairs were dodgy.. These few look ok but...generally the tree roots were causing havoc with any constant level.
When I went off to the UK in September I listened with interest to the reports of storms and blackouts in my home town. I was pretty relaxed until I received this image.
One of my gracious gums had given up the ghost and sighed out of life across my staircase.
Sadly, this is what remained of my staircase:
Not pretty, or safe! So I started the old insurance procedure around recovering for damages caused by fallen trees. Getting someone to quote was a nightmare but finally a very nice man came and gave me several options. In the end, this is the one I went with:
I've got to say it's a massive improvement. Still got a bit of planting etc to do but I am excited....
Hopefully we can look to taming this wasteland next year....
Wish me luck.